What have I earned?

VIDEO: I have earned nothing, so I give everything - Kaleb Andersen

Please watch this video link above before reading the rest (It would not let me put the video on my blog) It is of my brother as he's thinking about life and money and giving.

Wow! Nothing I have have I earned. The only way to earn anything, to get anything in return is to give. "It is a privilege that we can even give without earning or having anything in the first place to give." Just like when I mentioned in an earlier post, "God gave gifts and abilities to you but they are not for you!" And yet when you use them to give to others, you get the most satisfying, certain joy back.

Maybe God did not intend for anyone to be limited by money and leases and loans. He does want us to be wise with money, but not so tight with our money that we do nothing with it. Maybe when God told the parable about the investor who doubled his money, he wasn't truly and solely talking about money. It is just one element that we can use to invest in His Kingdom! When we say that we don't have enough money to be able to invest in God's Kingdom, we are limiting our God!! Even when we say we need a degree or we don't have the experience or skill, we are saying that the God who made a scrawny, young shepherd boy a warrior and king, is unable to work through us.

May post more about this in the future. But there's just some food for thought.

You are Dearly Loved.


Unknown said…
We all struggle with loving without receiving. I love you Joelle with all of me and no matter what...but I also can love you with all of my JESUS. When I try to muster up the power to love with no return...I can't...cuz the well I am drawing from is me and it's shallow... but I can only do it with JESUS doing it through me as I choose to let him.

I love you and love your writing. Keep on

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